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Adding A Lesson

Adding a New Lesson


Lessons are a great way to deliver learning content to your users. Lessons can be stand-alone or can be added to a program. To start adding a lesson navigate to the Lesson tab under the Manage tab. Then click on the "Add New" icon. Give your lesson a name and click "Add New Lesson". If you have made a test before this should look familiar.

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Adding Content To A Lesson

To start adding content click on the Pages tab. Then click the "Add New Lesson Page" button. From here you can start adding content into the text field and or add media in the media section.

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Once you are done adding the content, click the "Create New Lesson Page" at the bottom to save your lesson. You can add as many pages to your lesson as necessary.

When you are ready, make sure you don't forget to activate the lesson. You can activate your lesson by going to the parameters tab of the lesson, then under the basic settings drop-down, click the checkbox that says "Is Activated". And finally, at the bottom of the page, make sure you save or the activation will not go through.