Can I stop users from taking screenshots on a test?

We don't offer any way to prevent printing or screenshots.... at one time we did - but having such a feature only gives a 'false sense of security'. In this day and age of cell phone cameras - users can cheat and steal/take images of anything...

But we have solid features to mitigate this behavior. You should use our randomization features to X number of questions from a larger question bank of Y. You should randomize the possible answers. Use our feature so users can't go backward. Set a timer so the user needs to get through the content without extra time to screenshot the questions while they're taking your test. Lock the test down so it can't be taken again after passing. At the end of the test - hide your questions. These used together or in part will address the security aspects of locking down your test.

We also support third-party virtual proctoring using ProctorFree and ProctorU to mitigate cheating.