
Information About Content Folders

What are Content Folders? - Content folders are used to organize the content within the Gauge application. Content can be learning content, tests, surveys, etc. Media in the media library can also be stored in a Content folder. Folders are similar to the directories and folders used in a personal computer file system. Folders can exist within other folders (a directory structure). The application uses the term children to describe folders that reside in another folder. The term parent is used to describe a folder that has folders in it. All other folders are managed by a user with Superuser access.

Folders have visible and inactive options. If a folder is set as not visible it will not be shown to users as they navigate through the folders structure. Likewise, the content organized in such a folder will also not be accessible. If a parent folder is set as not viable all of its children folders will not be viable, even if those folders are set to visible.

The folder sections can be found by going to Manage  >  Settings  >  Configuration Settings  >  Folders 


User Groups and Folders? - Folders are used in conjunction with User Groups. Folders can be members of User Groups.

How to Use When Authoring Content and For Uploaded Media

For content (such as tests, lessons, programs...) when editing the content use the Access tab menu to choose a folder to store the content in. For media in the media library, when editing the uploaded media, note a similar Access tab menu choice to store media in a folder.

Adding A New Folder

To add a new folder, navigate to the folder section under the Configuration Settings, then at the bottom of the page, click the button that says "Add Folder". Fill out the required fields, and make sure the checkbox that says "Is Activated" is checked. Then you can choose if you want to have a parent folder or not, and you can choose to include the folder in a User Group. When you are done, make sure to save the folder with the "Save New Folder" button at the bottom of the page.

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