How do I resend email notices?

Re-notice a Test

In our application, the Rescore and Re-notice functions are a shared feature. You can selectively do these independently or together.

Go to Manage  >  Users, choose 'Open and Edit', filter for your user, open the user's record, then pick the test taken. Note the Rescore/Re-Notice button on that page. OR... (2) Manage  >  Results, choose 'Content Taken Quick Results', filter for your test/user/date/etc..., in the grid of data click on the test's name.

If you need to re-score many tests... use (2) above, when you filter copy and paste the test's name in the 'Content Name' field in the Advanced Search panel. After you press the Run Advanced Search button - scroll to the bottom of the page - you'll see the Rescore/Re-Notice feature there...

By default, email settings will be displayed and utilized. But you can temporarily override these.