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Test Settings Part 3: Questions & Scenarios

Question Settings

If you have made a test you will have noticed that when you add a question that there is a lot of options and settings. This article will be a rundown on the settings and what they do.

Creating Question (Part 2)

This section is shown after you have selected your question type (Part 1) or are editing a question (When you edit a question the page will look a bit different but it has all the same options and content).

Lookup Code

As an option, a lookup code is typically used to help administrators lookup and find questions, if your questions are kept in some database outside of this application you can use this field to hold the unique identifier for this question record. If left blank a default value will be automatically be filled in that you can override)(note this field can only contain lower case characters, numerals, no punctuation, and no spaces.


As an option, you can enter select a question difficulty which is included in test results reports, if the test question randomization has been selected in the Test Parameters, as an option, the question randomization will attempt to balance the test questions randomly chosen using question difficulty.


As an option, you can set a question as an anchor question, if the test question randomization has been selected in the Test Parameters - all anchor questions are shown. The type of anchor question selected indicates its position when the test is taken, the difficulty setting for a question is ignored for any kind of anchor question, if question randomization is not used - this feature is ignored.

Similar Code

A similar code is used by administrators to link multiple questions that are similar. To use this feature, enter any code you choose to make up - or use a Lookup Code and make sure that the same code is entered in the field for all of your similar questions. Then when setting a question count limit for your test, note the optional setting in the Test that prevents more than one similar question to be included in your test.

Replacement Code

A replacement code is used by administrators to link questions that replace each other for reporting and tracking purposes. To use this feature, enter any code you choose to make up - or use a Lookup Code entered above - and make sure that same code is entered in the field for all of your replacement questions.

Question Type and Scoring Choices

Under this drop down menu, you are able to change the way your question behaves and how it should be scored. You will see different question options depending on the type of question you pick. You also have the option to mark the question as extra credit.

Question Text and Display Choices

This section is where you will add your question. Use the text field to input your question and use the media loader to add media and configure how to media will be displayed.

Instructions Section Options

Any text in the fields will be presented to the test taker under the question text. Two sets of instructions are provided, one for displaying on computer screens and the other for tests that are printed. The fields support the entry of HTML. If the SHOW check box is not chosen, any text entered will be ignored and not presented when a test question is presented. If the REPLACE check box is chosen, any text entered will be replaced with the system instruction text defaults for this type of question.

Randomize Possible Answer Options

As an option for Multiple Choice and Multiple Answers question types, the order in which the Possible Answers are displayed to a test taker, while taking a test, can be randomized based on the following settings. These settings are ignored unless this feature is chosen under the Options menu for this Test under While Taking Options - Question Randomization Settings.

Link Question to Scenario Options

Scenarios are reusable stories, blocks of text, figures, or other HTML - referenced in one or more questions. The test taker reviews the scenario and then answers the question(s) associated (linked) to those scenarios. Scenarios are created (and edited) on the Questions menu tab for this test. However, this test has no scenarios created for it, therefore these options are ignored.

Depending on the number of questions per page and randomization settings, the same scenario can be linked to two or more questions on the same page. For every test page, the scenario will always be displayed above the first question.

Question Results/Printable Text Options

The following text fields will replace the already entered question text in test results when either displaying question text to test takers or administrators. This text also replaces the already entered question text for printable tests or in PDF/Excel previews. Wondering why you might use this field? If your question text includes media like a video or a document that's displayed while taking the test, you can use the text entered in this field to replace the media in the test results if you don't want the media accessible after the test is done being taken. The text entered here is ignored unless the following Yes - Utilize radio button is selected.

Hint Section Options

The following text will be available to be presented BEFORE and WHILE a question is being answered based on this content's Options settings. The purpose of this information is to give the test taker a hint on how to answer the question correctly. The text field supports the entry of HTML.

Reference Section Options

The following text in the text field will be available to be presented BEFORE and WHILE a question is being answered based on this content's Options settings. The purpose of this information is to give the test taker reference information they might need to answer the question. The text field supports the entry of HTML.

Remarks Section Option

The following text in the text field will be presented after a question is answered based on this content's Options settings. The purpose of this information is to give a correct (or incorrect) answer explanation/rationale to a test taker (in most cases it's used to explain the answer to the test taker after a question has been answered). The text field supports the entry of HTML. This application uses the term Remarks. The term Remarks can be changed. Contact your GAUGE/test.com representative for more information.

Category Options

You can categorize questions by using any combination of the three types of categories. Domain, Subject, and Category. This is ONLY for reporting purposes. If you need to limit the number of questions in your test by a category, use a Test the uses SECTIONS instead, then organize each group of categorized questions in a single Section. The following three category title terms can be changed. Contact your GAUGE/test.com representative for more information.

Automatic Assign (or un-assign) User Group Membership Upon Answering Questions

The following settings are used to automatically assign and/or un-assign user group membership upon the correct/incorrect answering of questions when complete. This feature is typically used to support the branching and selection of make content automatically available (or unavailable). Partially correct answers are treated as correct. This an advanced feature, ignore these setting if you are unsure how to utilize.


What are scenarios? Scenarios are reusable stories, blocks of text, figures, or other HTML - referenced in one or more questions. The test taker reviews the scenario and then answers the question(s) associated (linked) to those scenarios.

To add a new scenario click on the Questions tab in your test (Scenarios for Tests with Question Banks are under the Questions tab in the Question Bank section). Then click on the button at the bottom of the page that says "Add Scenario". Then fill out the text field with your scenario. You also have the option to add media. When you are done click the "Create New Scenario" button on the bottom of the page.

To add a test question to a scenario edit your test and edit the question you want to link. Then under the "Link Question to Scenario Options" click on the drop-down selection. If you have made a scenario it will show up here. Then save your question.