Where do I activate my account?

Once you have fully evaluated Gauge and are ready to purchase and activate your account, follow these steps:

  1. Contact your GAUGE representative and include your organization’s full legal name, physical address, and anticipated go-live date. Also, provide an estimate of the number of live tests and lessons you anticipate will be taken during the first 12 months of service.
  2. Review the draft Service Level agreement provided to you by your GAUGE representative and the initial invoice that reflects advance payment for your first 12 months of service. The Invoice may be adjusted to reflect Gauge's current minimum billing and discount levels.
  3. Make a payment by company check, credit card or electronic funds transfer.

Note: If you go over what you paid far, we reserve the right to bill you for the overage.

Removing Red Trial Panel at the Top of Every Page...

The red trial panel and message at the top of every page will be permanently removed by your GAUGE/test.com representative upon either payment or receipt of a signed Service Level Agreement.