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  3. Adding and Managing Users

Adding Users

Adding users in Gauge is pretty simple. This guide will help you learn about adding users and the options you have. You can also watch a brief overview of adding and managing your users here.

There are four primary ways users are added in Gauge.

  1. As an administrator, adding one at a time
  2. As an administrator, adding users in bulk
  3. As a user, self-registering
  4. Through an API

As an administrator, you have the option to add one or more users to Gauge through the Add User section.

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Adding A Single User

To add a single user, click on the Add User button and enter the following, required information:

Name - The first and last name of the user

Login - The username you wish to assign the user

Password - The initial password you wish to assign the user

Email Address - The email you wish to associate with this user's account

There are some basic user settings you can configure before adding a user but this is the only information that is required.

You may wish to force a new user to set up a new username and password upon their first login. If so, check one or both of the checkboxes that read:

  • Require One Time User Login Code Reset; and
  • Require One Time Password Reset

Then, click Save New User to confirm the user’s entry into the database.

Note: by default, a new user is not automatically notified when they have been added to Gauge. However, as a Superuser, you can configure this feature by adding an email template under the settings tab.

To learn more about Adding and Managing Email Templates, visit: Email Templates.

Adding Users In Bulk

To add users in bulk click on the "Add Bulk Users" icon. To begin adding users in bulk, select a delimiter (separator character), then enter or copy and paste the user information in the following fields. When complete press Verify and Continue, or use your Back button to cancel.

This is the first step of a two-step process. The next part will be reviewing and error checking the information you entered on the page. The next page will present the bulk data in a grid you can either choose to continue (permanently load) or return to the first page to revise any of your information.

Your user information can be typed directly into the fields or copied and pasted from a word processor or spreadsheet. Use the selected delimiter (separator character) to differentiate between multiple records. For example, if the separator character is a comma and you have two records to bulk input, enter the following:

In the Name field enter: Jane Doe, John Smith

In the Email field enter: jdoe@test.com, jsmith@test.com

Note: Entering ,,,,, for blank records will be ignored, instead enter with spaces between the separator character as: , , , , ,

Static information such as the group membership is applied to all the users added. There is no maximum limit to the number of records that can be included in each bulk load; however, it is recommended that you enter no more than 1,000 records in each load. The page requires a minimum number of two records to be entered.

Self-Registering Users

You are able to have your users self-register on a login page that is unique to your own business. A new user simply clicks on the "Register" button on the login page and fills out the requested fields. Once they are done they click the "Create New User" button and they are all set.

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You do have the option to turn off self-registering for your users. To turn off the option go to Manage  >  Settings  >  Set Up Settings  >  Advanced Settings  >  Join Page (Tab). Then click the checkbox that says "Disable option for Users to Self-Register/Join.

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Adding Users Through API Integrations

You may also want to add users using API integrations. Using an API integration you are able to manage and add users from your own systems like an intranet or corporate portal or through a third-party service like a shopping cart or LMS.

Setting up and configuring APIs are typically done by web developers. All the information on APIs can be found by going to Manage  >  Settings  >  Set Up Settings  >  API Information.

For more information on setting up APIs visit: API Information